Automatic thoughts

Posted By: Cean Psiquiatras

Automatic thoughts are the thoughts and images that involuntarily pop into our conscious. They make up how we "read" a situation.

Automatic thoughts are dangerous becuse we usually take for granted that they are true. Even more dangerous , we have atnedency toa ccept them as the only explanation or view of the scenario. In Cognitive Behavior Therapy ( CBT), we examine the automatic thoughts to see just how accurate or functional they really are. CBT at its very essence involves developing self awareness of one's thinking and how it affects your life.

Automatic thoughts are based on beliefs we have about ourselves, others and the world in which we live. These are called core beliefs or schema. These core beliefs and schema show up in the form of expectations, assumptions and judgements and are reinforced by our reactive behavior and thought patterns.

Understanding your automatic thoughts and core beliefs can influence change in a variety of situations.

So how can you identify your negative automatic thoughts:

There are some common characteristics:

1. They are always negative.

2. They always make you feel bada about yourself.

4. They are uninvited.

5. They are believable.

6. They are biased.

The following styles of negative thinking, or cognitive distortions, have been recognized as the most common of the negative automatic thoughts.

. All or nothing thinking.

. Overcontrol and perfectionism.

. Magical thinking or fortune telling.

. Catastrophising.

. Pessimistic or negative bias.

. Personalisation over responsability.

Being aware of your negative automatic thoughts is critical in helping you to challenge them. The best way to become more aware is by writing down and look out for the ones that are more unique to you.


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